How to move for fat loss.

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I’m going to kick this off with the obvious- for fat loss to occur, we need to put our body in a calorie deficit.


This means burning more calories than we put into our body, either through moving more or eating less (We know this right?!). 


So, with that box ticked, I want to talk about how we get there through movement. 


As you’ll understand, there are a lot of different ways to move and train our bodies:

  • Resistance training (weights)
  • Yoga
  • Sport
  • Bodyweight based (gymnastics, calisthenics etc)
  • Low Intensity Steady State (LISS)
  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
  • CrossFit 
  • Running, biking, swimming
  • Martial arts
  • Cleaning the house 
  • Mountain climbing 


You get the point…


So, which way is best for fat loss?


For starters, that depends on your definition of what ‘best’ is (copout answer I know).


Now I could go into the differences between all of the aforementioned training methodologies above to give you detailed review of the estimated calories burned… but I don’t want to. 


Honestly that sounds like a really boring way to spend my time and I also don’t think it will make a difference to how most people go about their training. 


The short answer (If thats all you’re looking for from this blog post) is most probably some sort of whole body workout (like swimming) at a low intensity steady state for a long period of time- up to and above 60 mins... 

...this of course depends on a lot of factors such as intensity, duration, consistency, progression etc.


In terms of which type of movement is best for YOU to focus on in order to get the best fat loss results, now thats a different story. 


Here’s why.


Calories burnt aren’t the be all and end all. 


Yes that kind of contradicts the start of this blog post, but the reasons WHY we often want to burn calories are usually because of a multitude of different reasons, such as:

  • Wanting to look good naked.
  • Wanting to look good in clothes.
  • Feeling healthier.
  • Performing better (in sport or life in general). 
  • Moving better.
  • Being a role model for your kids...etc.


This makes the process a little more complicated, because we often won’t get exactly what we want from sticking to one mode of movement/ training/ exercise and we certainly won’t if we don’t consistently increase the stimulus (progressive overload). 


- To look good both clothed and de-clothed you’ll definitely want to throw some sort of resistance training in there. Think shape, muscle tone, strength, movement and even energy.


- ‘Health’ is a subjective term but generally to feel healthier you’ll need to vary the intensities of the movements you do to keep you fit in different ways. Think LISS, HIIT and everything in between. 


- To perform better you’ll need to understand how you’d like to perform and tailor your training specifically for that. 


- For improved movement you’ll need to explore the different ways your body can in fact move.


But- the biggest reason you’d want to consider all of these things is because of the multiple benefits you’ll get across the board, as well as keeping your training varied and FUN.


Enjoyment has to play a big part in any training (or indeed any programme requiring adherence). 


For us to see results, we need to be consistent, training needs to be sustained and enjoyment certainly helps with this. Let’s face it, we’re not going to keep doing something we really dislike doing.


Final point (The main thinking behind this post).


When it comes to implementing a training plan we need to think REALISTICALLY, not idealistically.


Whether its for fat loss results or any other target it’s pretty natural for us to search for ‘the best’ training or diet plan. The most idealistic. 


Makes sense right? 


We want to make sure we’re doing everything we can be doing in order to hit our targets as quickly and as efficiently as possible.


The argument I'm making here is that this thinking more times than not sets you up to fall flat on your face.


Because our lives, lifestyle and habits pretty much always get in the way in some way or another.


And the 'all or nothing' type mindset that is associated with the idealistic approach doesn't hold much room for slip ups (which are inevitable). 


Instead, we need to think about what we as individuals can REALISTICALLY do week in week out. I.e How we can change our lifestyle in the smallest way possible but see the biggest of results. 


So to conclude, my advice would be this. 


Rather than getting hung up on what exercise is best or most efficient, find the exercise method that you bloody love to do and start here. 

After all the most important thing is that you are actually moving and any type of movement is going to get you on the calorie burning train and start to swing the energy balance in your favour. 


From here, aim to vary the intensity and methods that you move as much as possible. Then keep going. 

I was wrong... (my fitness fails)


A good coach is always willing to admit that they are/ have been wrong, and despite always wanting the best for you guys I admit that some of the information I have learnt and put into practice over the years has been wrong (unintentionally of course!)


I see a big part of my role as a coach in being able to take all of the health & fitness advice out there (there is a lot!) and disregard the BS, take what is credible and then break it down in a way that is relevant to you and easy to understand, follow and apply.


This takes a bit of time to do as it requires seeking out the most reliable sources of information and then also gaining my own experience in the relevant topics 


Couple that with the fact that human physiology, nutrition, psychology etc are complex subjects and that scientific research is ever evolving we can see why opinions and advice change over time… and mine certainly has


So here are some of my biggest fitness fails so you don’t have to make the same mistakes as me:


  • disregarding calorie intake as a necessary focus for weight change


When aiming for weight change (weight loss/ weight gain), calorie total should be our first focus. Weight loss can only happen with a calorie deficit and weight gain can only happen with a calorie surplus.


  • High Intensity Interval Training is best for fat loss


Whatever suits you is best for fat loss. Whichever fitness protocol you enjoy and that keeps you training & working hard is best for fat loss. I like to use all the tools in my tool box- resistance training, intervals and low intensity steady state


  • Demonising certain foods & food groups (low carbs, no sugar, clean eating)


I used to place far too much of an emphasis on eating ONLY clean foods and completely restricting a macronutrient (either fats or carbs). Whist eating ‘clean’ foods isn’t a bad thing I now know that the reason I got results was because of the calorie deficit I got when taking away a food group/ macronutrient. My approach these days is a lot more balanced (and enjoyable)


  • Ignoring non exercise activity as a tool for changing energy balance


NEAT (Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) is the amount of calories we burn each day from activity that isn’t classed as exercise. Such as walking around the shops, climbing up the stairs at work, cleaning the house… Manipulating your NEAT levels is a really simple and effective tool to help shift the energy balance scales in your failure


  • Believing that increasing the number of meals we eat per day increases our metabolism


I used to say that we HAD to eat breakfast in order to spike our metabolism for the day. Nowadays my advice is eat breakfast if you like to eat breakfast, if not you don’t have to. Eating breakfast can be a good way to keep your energy levels stable throughout the day. But if by eating breakfast you add an extra meal into your daily intake you’ll actually increase your calories which will have a negative effect on fat loss. 


My old approaches used to get results, but they definitely weren't necessary for the success. Trends change, opinions change and we develop- when we know what makes the difference it makes the process a whole lot easier to implement