Why you shouldn't think of foods as 'clean' or 'dirty'...
/First of all there are no objective definitions for what these foods are- most diets and individuals attached to them have a different belief on what constitutes as a clean or dirty food
Secondly, this approach either leads to an overly obsessive, restrictive, unrealistic and in my eyes un-enjoyable way of only eating ‘clean’ foods
Or the flip side is the individual resigns themselves to eating ‘dirty’ foods, which leads to them feeling guilty, getting bored with always feeling pissed off about eating these foods and then eventually completely detaching from caring about their nutrition
Both not ideal circumstances
Be flexible in your approach
Understand that a food is not bad or good, but instead you have foods that suit your goals as an individual
Ultimately it comes down to a calorie total and a macro & micro nutrient target that suits you
And there is definitely room in your diet for some ‘dirty’ foods without you feeling guilty about eating them